Our Services



For over 2,000 years, Acupuncture has been used as a method to encourage the body's ability to heal itself. During an Acupuncture treatment at our office you will experience the use of sterile, single-use, hair thin needles inserted in specific point locations with the intention of improving circulation, restoring balance, alleviating pain, reducing inflammation, and promoting relaxation. We use different styles depending on your needs. Traditional Chinese Style of Acupuncture uses points to elicit a sensation of "de qi" known as the excitation of vital energy within our body. This sensation often feels like energy within the body is moving, dispersing, or expanding. Japanese Style is used as a very light and painless style of Acupuncture. For people with specific orthopedic issues, Orthopedic Style is used to target specific motor points to reset and activate the muscles. Tui Na Massage is incorporated in our Acupuncture treatments which uses pressing, rolling, and kneading along one of the body's acupuncture meridians to further move the knots and stagnation. 

There are 20 major meridian pathways with hundreds of Acupuncture points situated along them which all have their own actions and indications for healing. Symptom relief is often immediate, but several treatments may be needed depending on lifestyle and if the condition is acute or chronic. As a patient's symptoms improve, visits are spaced further apart until their desired results are achieved. Chronic or severe medical conditions will require more frequent treatments and may take longer to resolve. Many patients choose to maintain their wellness with monthly treatments.

Facial rejuvenation acupuncture stimulates collagen production to improve the skin's overall appearance and slow the aging process. An increase in collagen can help the skin look tighter, lifted and brighter.

Facial rejuvenation stimulates the facial muscles to trigger lifting and toning of the deeper wrinkles. It is combined with other acupuncture points to work on the underlying cause of the facial changes. For best results, sessions are twice a week for 6-12 weeks for lasting results.

Lynda's Acupuncture and Facial Rejuvenation Prices:

45 Minute Pediatric Acupuncture Session-$115

60 Minute Session -$155

75 Minute Session -$175

90 Minute or New Patient Session -$195

Lynda's Package Prices:
Package of 6- $10 off per session
Package of 12- $15 off per session
Package of 20- $20 off per session

Integrative Massage (Affiliated With Chondra Brown, HHP)

We have an integrative approach to massage blending styles that is custom to you. Massage can help reduce pain, tension, and stress. It helps boost circulation and metabolism. Our practitioners are intuitive to your body and will focus on your individual needs. Cupping may be added to further release tension and toxins. Massage styles include: 

Deep Tissue

Myofascial Release

Circulatory or Sweedish

Prenatal and Postnatal

Cupping and Massage




Tui Na


Pricing of Integrative Massage Sessions:

45 Minutes-$105
60 Minutes- $145
75 Minutes- $165

90 Minutes- $185


Package of Six Integrative Massage Sessions (Save $60):

Six 60 Minute Sessions ($135 Per Visit) $810

Six 75 Minute Sessions ($155 Per Visit)  $930

Six 90 Minute Sessions ($175 Per Visit)  $1050

Please Note: 5% Card Processing fee will be added to Affiliate Services

Lymphatic Massage (Affiliated With Chondra Brown, HHP)

Lymphatic massage is highly effective, non-invasive treatment to open and drain the lymphatic system, release blockages and shift the polarity and pH of the tissue to assist the body in re-establishing homeostasis. This highly effective treatment is used to drain excess fluid and toxins, loosen adhesions, increase oxygen delivery and lift connective tissue, bringing blood flow to stagnant muscles and skin. This method produces a “separation” in tissue layers enabling water absorption and renewed blood flow to dehydrated undernourished tissue. Cupping may be included.

Conditions That Respond Well to Lymphatic Cupping Include:

Unexplained Weight Gain

Lymphedema Scars/Scar Tissue

Cellulite Swelling

Lyme Disease

Pre and Post Surgery

Chronic Fatigue

Fibromyalgia Pain

Breast Congestion




*Pricing same as Integrative Massage listed above

 Please Note: 5% Card Processing fee will be added to Affiliate Services

Fire Cupping

Cupping therapy uses glass or plastic cups with a vacuum suction over areas of the body with the intention of alleviating tension, decreasing inflammation, improving blood flow, activating the lymphatic system, and boosting immunity. The vacuum is created manually or by using fire to release the oxygen within the cup. The fire is then quickly removed and the cup is placed on the skin. The quick removal from the fire ensures that the cup is not hot. Cupping is similar to a deep tissue massage, but instead of pushing down on areas of the body to release tension, the cupping pulls the tension out of the muscle and can bring the toxins up to the surface so that they can be released. Marks typically disappear in 3 to 7 days, but can take weeks if much stagnation is within the body. 

*Fire Cupping is included in the pricing of acupuncture, massage, and lymphatic sessions. 

Acutonics Sound Therapy 

Acutonics uses sound and vibration with specific tuning forks at different frequencies on each acupuncture point to create balance and energy flow in the body. It is great for kids and those who want to receive the benefits of acupuncture without needles. People who suffer from anxiety may benefit greatly from this method which is used to balance the nervous system. 

Pricing of Acutonics Sessions (Can Include Massage):

45 Minutes-$105
60 Minutes- $145
75 Minutes- $165

90 Minutes- $185

Microneedling Collagen Induction

Microneedling Collagen Induction Therapy uses acupuncture needles to stimulate collagen by opening up the dermal layer of the skin. Hyaluronic Acid is applied to further nourish the skin and deeply penetrate into the skin surface. Microneedling works on fine lines, acne scarring, and age spots. Micro-Needling leads to reorganization of old collagen fibers and laying down of new collagen, elastin, and capillaries leading to skin tightening.  This leads to an overall youthful appearance of the skin by reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and pore size. It also adds more suppleness and elasticity to the skin. Singh, A. and Savita, Y. "Microneedling: Advances and widening horizons" Indian Dermatology Online Journal 2016. 7 

Pricing of Micro-Needling With Apple Stem Cells- $295

Package of 3 Micro-Needlings (Save $135)- $750


Human Design Readings

Human Design uses your birth time, place and date to determine your exact placement in space and time relative to the solar system and star fields at the moment you were born. Whereas astrology is divided into 12 signs, Human Design is divided into 64 gates. Each chart is a combination of different numbers making the charts unique to each person. This correlates to 64 sequences of the human genetic code and the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching (a Chinese manual for understanding people). Depending on when and where you were born you have a different set of characteristics and ways you interact with people. Life experiences can enhance these traits making us know ourselves very well or it can suppress them possibly causing us to doubt ourselves or question who we are.

Maybe you are struggling to know why your child is so different than you. Maybe you want to see why your child relates to your partner more. Why is your child responding the way they do? Human Design shows what defined personality traits they have and how they relate to other’s. Doing a reading for yourself and your child can show you where you are similar and where you are different. It can help give you more understanding and patience for them. Knowing this as early on as possible can make a world of difference in parenting. Discover how Human Design can also show you how you and your partner relate to each other. You can also learn your compatibility with family members and other loved ones.

Send your time, place and date of birth to info@healingrsf.com to have your Human Design eight page write up sent to you and schedule your face time, zoom, or in person reading and personal explanation of your design today. 

Human Design Reading Pricing:

Human Design Astrology Report and One Hour Consult- $155 (this service is offered in person or via zoom)

Homeopathy (Affiliated With Chondra Brown, HHP, Certified Homeopath/Naturopath)

The first consultation in homeopathy, also known as the initial homeopathic intake, lasts about two hours for chronic complaints and as long as needed in the case of acute complaints. It is the beginning of an often fascinating journey of healing and self-discovery. A well-performed initial assessment provides the homeopath a solid foundation to guide the patient through this journey.

In the interview process the homeopath begins by listening to the details of the patient’s ailments as well as anything else that the patient feels is relevant to the case. In addition to eliciting objective symptoms relating to these complaints, the homeopath, through the use of many open-ended questions, encourages the patient to describe his or her exact experience of the illness or discomfort in progressively greater clarity, depth, and detail.

The aim of this interview process is for the homeopath to perceive the inner state of the patient, a single state that best points to the correct single prescription. This inner state is expressed through mind and body but is deeper than both. Although in everyday life many of us remain unaware of it, it is constantly expressed in the way we speak and interact with others, in what we choose to do in our spare time, in how we dress, and (often most clearly) in the content of our dreams.

How does the homeopathic assessment differ from a conventional one?

Unlike a conventional medical intake, which follows a preset formula whose goal is to choose from a relatively limited set of diagnoses, a homeopathic intake is open-ended. Because the homeopathic diagnosis is based on a wide variety of factors (including how the person reacts to the interview process itself), the homeopath gives maximum room for the patient to describe the ailment exactly as he or she experiences it.

This seemingly peripheral information is often more important than the objective information that medical doctors typically rely on, and it forms the basis of the homeopathic diagnosis. There are literally many hundreds of homeopathic remedies, which means that correct diagnosis requires great precision in understanding the patient’s state.

This elaborate interview process, when competently guided, inevitably leads to a holistic view of the patient’s state, and to a perspective that ties together seemingly disparate phenomena into a unified story and portrait of the illness at hand.

*Homeopathic services are offered in person or on zoom

Homeopathic Service Pricing:

Classical Homeopathic Intake 90 min-$250

Classical Homeopathic Follow Up (6 weeks) 45 min-$150 

Acute Homeopathic Session 30 Min (Allergies, Headaches, Injury, Cold, Rash, Fever, Digestion Issues, And More. This is a phone appointment available Mon-Sat)- $75

Please Note: 5% Card Processing fee will be added to Affiliate Services

Naturopathic Intake (Affiliated With Chondra Brown Certified Homeopath/Naturopath)

During the 90 minute Adult Naturopathic intake appointment, your Naturopathic Practitioner will listen to your concerns and do a focused assessment that includes taking a health history, reviewing and/or ordering any necessary laboratory testing, and performing relevant physical exams. Clearly establishing your health-related goals is most important. Your practitioner will explain some initial options, answer your questions and begin to formulate your treatment plan with your input and using the information you provide. We offer Biophotonic Antioxidant Level Scanning for only $25 it is less than 5 minutes and measures the anitoxidant level in your skin. This helps you to know if your vitamins are working and we evaluate what other factors may be causing your numbers to be low. We offer high-grade supplements that can help boost your levels within 30 days. 

Naturopathic Pricing:

Naturopathic Intake 90 mins-$250

Naturopathic Follow Up (4 weeks) 45 mins- $150

Biophotonic Antioxidant Level Scan- $25

Please Note: 5% Card Processing fee will be added to Affiliate Services

Jyotish Vedic Astrology Consultation Session Individual or Couple (Affiliated With Dr. Prana, DAOM)

Covers your lifepath, understanding of ascending, sun, and moon sign, and overall health and wellness. Doing this for couples helps them to become more aware of ways they can support each other. This is an amazing and revealing way to understand yourself, your current situation, and the path you are on.

Jyotish Vedic Astrology Pricing:

Consultation Session Individual 90 min- $150,

Consultation Session Couples 120 min- $200

Please Note: 5% Card Processing fee will be added to Affiliate Services

Inner Alchemy (Affiliated With Dr. Prana, DAOM)

The goal of inner alchemical healing is to awaken a shift in the consciousness. When we move from the ordinary perception of everyday life to an expanded alchemical awareness — an illumination that may last for a moment or a lifetime — we start to perceive the meaning and beauty of the wholeness and that opens up new possibilities to challenging symptoms and conditions.

Inner alchemy considers health and wellness as a living inner process that requires regular ongoing engagement, rather than a fixed set of externally imposed rules to follow or something we depend on others to provide. This type of healing combines Eastern Medicine and Siddha Healing practices, with principles and tools drawn from ancient alchemy and modern mind- body medicine as well as energy medicine and mindful awareness practices. 

Inner Alchemy uses a type of healing that addresses complex psychosomatic, psychospiritual, and emotional issues that people face at this time of crisis on the planet.

Alchemical Healing is based on a view that there is an innate wholeness within that guides us toward our own healing, growth, and fulfillment. Inner alchemy rest on the Foundations of Stillness. Stillness is at the core of all beings and all things. Stillness is neither empty, not static, nor nothingness. Stillness is the luminous unending wholeness.

The goal of inner alchemy session is to help you focus your full attention on the inside of your body until it wakes up and feels fully alive and well. The goal is not to get back to old state of status quo, but rather to discover what you need to change in order to achieve optimal health and more meaningful life.

Inner Alchemy Pricing:

$75 Per Hour 

Please Note: 5% Card Processing fee will be added to Affiliate Services


Ayurvedic Lifestyle Sessions (Affiliated With Dr. Prana, DAOM)

The emphasis of Ayurveda is on prevention and health promotion. It originates from India, over 5000 years ago, and is a complete medicine that includes, assessment & diagnosis of health condition and treatment & resolution using modification of lifestyle, diet, herbal medicine, and other modalities.

How to live “fully” is the focus of Ayurveda. The Sanskrit word “Ayu” means longevity. The word Ayurveda means the knowledge of life and longevity. According to Ayurveda every person is unique and has innate ability to live fully. However, it requires one to understand their innate natural rhythms– the body-mind constitution and live accordingly.

This session will help you to navigate through their yogic practices and align your lifestyle and diet to support with their goals of health and wellbeing.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Pricing:

Consultation or Follow Up Session- $100 per hour

Please Note: 5% Card Processing fee will be added to Affiliate Services

Packages are non-transferable. To avoid a $50 dollar fee, please notify us at least 24 hours prior to your appointment if you need to cancel or reschedule. No shows and same day cancellations will be charged full price of the scheduled session.


Disclaimer: Please note that all services by Acupuncture RSF Inc. DBA Healing Sanctuary RSF, 9 Week Warrior, None the Less, and Dr Prana Ji are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. They are also not a substitute for medical care. Please consult your doctor about any medical concerns or underlying medical conditions prior to using our services.