You will have 30 days from your order confirmation date to return any unwanted purchases. Items must be in original condition. There should be no appearance of damage. Once all items are received in their original condition, a refund will be issued. Please allow enough time for your return to be received within the 30-day policy. Any questions or necessary contact can be directed to 858-284-9808 or
Shipping costs remain the responsibility of the consumer. If you wish to receive an online store credit instead of a refund, your return shipping will be waved. A store credit code will be issued via E-mail and must be used within 12 months of the issued date.
Once a refund is issued, you will receive confirmation. Please allow 3-5 business days for your bank to process the return transaction before seeing the refund in your account.
Any questions, comments, or concerns can be directed to 858-284-9808 or