Create positive change through the power of crystals. Whether you're working through grief or holding onto grudges, seeking peace or deepening gratitude, Crystals for Healing offers the basics for beginners to explore the deep connection between mind, body, and spirit. Learn the fundamentals to clear emotional blockages, stimulate creativity, and elevate your mood through the vibrational power of healing crystals, with: Clear descriptions of crystals and their unique healing properties Over 200 remedies, plus profiles of 95 crystals covering colors, primary uses, corresponding chakra, and placement recommendations Daily meditations and mantras for a truly holistic approach Guidelines for creating grids to harness the positive power of crystals and healing stones Discover a more fulfilling life through the power of crystal healing as explained by ordained metaphysical minister, intuitive energy healer, and Usui Reiki practitioner Karen Frazier.
Disclaimer: The Information provided is not intended as medical advice or a guarantee of outcome. Our crystals are a complement to other therapies and not a replacement for medical treatment. For medical advice, please consult your doctor.